For details regarding the registration, kindly see:
Regular Membership
An individual may pay a lump sum fee of ₹12,000 (Rupees Twelve Thousand only) at the time of admission as a member towards Life Membership Fee. The members will be invited to all the CRSI meetings and will be given discount on the registration fee.
Student Membership
This is a discounted membership fee applicable to students, including Ph.D. scholars. Each student may pay Rs ₹6,000 (Rupees Six Thousand only) and the student members will be considered as Lifetime members. On par with the regular members, a discount on registration fee will be available to attend all the CRSI symposia even when they become post-doctoral fellow, faculty or staff members at a later stage of their career.
It is mandatory for the students to become a Life Member of CRSI to attend meetings and/or present posters. For the student members, the registration fee for the first CRSI symposium will be waived. For example, the students who make the payment of ₹6,000/- to become Lifetime members to participate in the 34th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry (CRSI-NSC-34) will be held in IISER Bhopal, Bhopal, the registration fee for this particular symposium will be waived. However, the accommodation charges set by the local organizing committee will be applicable to these students.
Registration Fees
Category and Registration Fee
Student (old member): ₹2360
Student (new member): refer CRSI website
CRSI life members: ₹4720
Industry delegate: ₹11800
Academic delegate: ₹7080
Accompanying person: ₹3540
Foreign delegate: US $236
Registration link coming soon